
Showing posts from July, 2018

Best Advice: Say Yes

I was reading an article in the Atlantic this weekend that basically stated that the advice about "finding your passion" is really awful advice , and laughed out loud when I read the opening: " Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University, remembers asking an undergraduate seminar recently, “How many of you are waiting to find your passion?” “Almost all of them raised their hand and got dreamy looks in their eyes,” she told me. They talked about it “like a tidal wave would sweep over them,” he said.  Sploosh. Huzzah! It’s accounting!" I speak to at least one entry-level person at IBM per week in a career or networking conversation - often, 5-6 - and I could wax poetic about this concept. It seems like many of the people that I talk to are waiting to stumble into their passion area and expect that they will go to a consulting project and *poof!* it will appear to them that testing (or requirements gathering, or scrum-mastering, or doing change man...