Quick tips on Work From Home --- from someone who works from home a lot
For the past two years, I have worked from home a lot as part of an increased focus on limiting my travel to be home and present with my kids. As we all shift to an increased work from home schedule, I thought it would be helpful for me to join the chorus of posts on my own tips about work from home. #1 - Try to mimic a workday schedule and workplace environment-- or, with child care being dynamic, be intentional about when you are available for work and when you aren't. The easy answer (if you don't have kids) is try to have an 8-6 schedule where you have a time for lunch and have a time to get an afternoon snack, coffee, etc. It can be really easy to lose structure that a workday provides - and can be really easy to be hunched over your computer for 10 hours without moving (more on this in a minute) - so focus on getting up at the same time every day, getting dressed ACTUALLY for work (maybe not business casual but jeans, nice shirt, etc.-- again more on this in a minute)....