My 3 (okay, a little more than three!!!) Pieces of Advice for New Consultants
We are in the thick of onboarding season for our new college hires and almost to the end of our interns; likewise, I have a couple of family members who are early in their career or in the middle of their internships and so I’ve been thinking a lot about things that I wish I had known - or lessons I learned along the way. When I first started at IBM, one of the first tasks that was assigned to me was to plan a go-live party for the project I was on. I planned the party, thinking it was an extravagant event… but did not plan a bar or any cocktails (we were WORKING after all!!!); my boss at the time was quick to fix that mistake before the event review with our project partner (it WAS a CELEBRATION after all!!!!). Then, the partner completely overhauled my menu that I’d spent hours perfecting (as it turns out passed appetizers are better than stations… etc.). Another big task of mine at the time was to create the slides for the weekly project status meeting. I had two major ...