On schedules, post-COVID work, & travel with a 6, 4, and 2 year old
I haven't written in a while. Or, I should say, I've drafted 10 blogs, but haven't posted them because I never quite finished them. Early in working parenthood, so much of my experience felt intense and very new. I was going through big new phases all the time and trying to learn how to do them; so it felt very natural to share those experiences here. I've moved into more of a hum-drum phase of we have our routine and schedule and we mostly juggle it well; but my days are packed, and I try not to add extra things into them, which includes writing less! The past couple of months, I have been traveling quite a bit for work and have spoken with a couple of new moms or soon-to-be moms on my team about my schedule and juggling being a working mom- which inspired me to return to this forum to comment on how my schedule has evolved as my kids have aged and how I've been handling the increasing demands from a travel perspective. I always have an almost voyeristic interest...