Dispatch from Parental Leave -- an Argument in Favor of It

This week marks the midpoint of my maternity leave, which is both easy and hard to believe. There have been many times that I have thought about writing an update post, but time and life got away from me in the chaos of a new baby, a move (we may be completely delusional, but we moved into a new house 10 days after Jack was born. Subsequently, 10 days later, our basement flooded, so we had to move everything back out of the basement, which included a lot of boxes that we hadn't unpacked that were wet. UGH!), etc etc etc. Jack is an incredible addition to our family. We are so lucky because he is an easy, peaceful little guy who basically only cries to communicate with us about being hungry. Charlie LOVES him, and smothers “her baby” with kisses as much as she can. Charlie has stayed in daycare while I’m out, and it has been funny because all the kids in her class are fascinated by the baby but when jack and I arrive to pick her up, she stands on the side of the stroller and tell...