
Showing posts from January, 2022

Committing to Wellness in 2022 - and loving its "Side Effects"

It's January and time for New Year's Resolutions and goal setting - and I am certainly not alone in committing to Wellness in 2022; for me, some of the changes I've been making recently have been a long time coming and a long time considered. A big element influencing my commitment to this is that following the death of my father and some health problems for my mom - and I've had a great deal of personal reflection on what this means for me and my family for the future. In addition to the reflection, I've also done a good deal of research about what can be preventatively done to avoid the same health problems - and it turns out, a lot. However, my journey with this actually started a little over a year ago when I started more closely following a friend from high school, Casey Means, who has had an amazing career and has truly inspired me personally and professionally. The "short" version of her story is that she is a Stanford-educated MD and was training a...

5 Tips for Young Females to Find a Voice at the (Virtual) Table

I attended an all girls school that was wonderful for many reasons; one of which was a tag line, "Madeira girls have something to say." A big element of the curriculum was fostering discussion among the girls, and encouraging each student to speak up and share their views. I have reflected since that this may have been one of the areas where I had some early practice that has helped me long term in my career. This week, I was asked to share my experience / tips on how to have a voice at the table; a more junior resource on my team expressed that she was struggling mightily with feeling like she could not get a word in edge wise and is constantly being talked over. Her mentor shared with me that she noted that there is a lot of yielding the floor when two people start to talk at the same time and a lot of "oh sorry, go ahead Joe." This has been something that I have worked on a lot through my career - and something man / woman, young / old, we all need to work on in ...