
Showing posts from May, 2022

Paternity {Leave} Matters

This blog is a guest blog written by two members of my team who have recently returned from paternity leave. I asked them to write this upon reflecting on the most common question I get when I travel for work: " Who's taking care of your kids ?" I wrote a whole blog on this subject is, but the net / net is that I think an answer to helping women have a more significant role in the workplace is enabling Dad's to be equal caregivers to their kids - a big element of which is paternity leave.  IBM has an awesome parental leave package - for all parents. But, I've heard many examples of men more or less being gaslit about taking their leave. "What are you going to do?" "You're not really busy, right - let's talk for a couple of minutes", "how are you going to hit your targets if you take leave?" (obviously this is a problem for women in sales TOO!)! Thankfully, in the current era, I think this "shaming" around leave doesn...