My Frenemy
I read a lot when I was pregnant. I read parenting books, parenting blogs, signed up for parenting email blasts. I read really good and really important things - like how to get my baby to sleep through the night (and this book works wonders - she was sleeping through the night at 9 weeks) and how to calm my baby - that have significantly improved my parenting experience. One thing that I didn’t read much about (though I think it is out there and perhaps it just didn’t quite resonate with me until I was actually doing it) was pumping. Before I begin my thoughts on this: a little background. I was unsure about the whole breastfeeding thing and adopted an attitude of “we’ll see how it goes.” It actually probably ranked at the top of my parenting fears. I kind of wanted it to work; but frankly, I also kind of thought the whole thing was gross. However, I gave it a go, and have actually had a pretty great experience with it, helped by the fact that IBM h...